Production for the previous 3 years.
Year _ Harvest _ Tons _ Sugar _ Acid _ Sug.Ac _ Ph
_ ____ _ _______ _ ____ _ _____ _ ____ _ ______ _
2001 _ _ _______ 0.04 _ _ _____ _ ____ _ ______ _
2002 _ 04 Mrt __ 0.05 _ _ _____ _ ____ _ ______ _
Harvesting conditions.
_ Tons _________ minimum harvest per day.
_ Tons _________ maximum harvest per day.
Hand ___________ harvested.
No we don't_____ harvest into lugs.
No we don't_____ have our own Lugs.
_ Km ___________ maximum delivery distance.
_ balling ______ at which delivery must be accepted.
_ centigrade ___ under which grapes will be delivered.