G R A P E  B L O C K  I N F O  F O R M 

Print this form and fax the completed form to 021 - 874 1452

Please provide the following information:

Plaas Eienaar of Maatskappy / Farm owner or Company
Kontakpersoon / Contact person
Plaasnaam / Farm name
Volle adres / Address
Telefoon / Phone
Faks / Fax
Sel / Cell
E-pos / E-mail

Blok detail (slegs 1blok per vorm)
Block detail (only 1 block per form)

Bloknommer / Block number
Geografiese area of Dorp / Geographical area or Town
Beskrywing van ligging op plaas / Description of location on farm
Bod afsny datum / Bid closing date
Plantjaar / Planting year
Onderstok / Root stock
Kloon / Clone
Spuit binne GPB standaarde: Ja/Nee
Grondtipe / Soil type
Grond helling / Slope
Hoogte bo seespieel / Height above sea level
Oplei stelsel / Trellising system
Besproeiings metode / Irrigation method
Hektaar / Hectares
Geskatte tonne / Estimated tons
Opbrengs per hektaar / Tons per hectare
Reserwe Prys / Reserve Price

Vorige drie jaar se produksie data:
Production for the previous 3 years:


Harvest date
Suiker Suur/
Sugar Acid
Pars voorwaardes:
Harvesting conditions:
Wil self pars: Ja/Nee/Gee nie om nie
Want to harvest own grapes: Yes/No/Do not mind
Minimum tonne wat per dag gepars sal word / Minimum tons harvested per day
Maksimum wat per dag gepars sal word / Maximum tons harvested per day
Pars met masjien of Hand / Harvested by machine or hand
Maksimum aflewerings afstand (na een kant toe) / Maximum delivery distance (one way)
Sal in kissies sny indien nodig: Ja / Nee?
Will cut into boxes: Yes/No?
Indien ja het u u eie kissies?
If yes, do you have your own boxes?
Lorrie bakke laai af na regs/ links/ enige kant?
Truck grape bins tip to left/right/both sides?
Maksimum suiker.(Wanneer hierdie suiker bereik word moet die koper lewering aanvaar)
Maximum amount of suger (on which the buyer has to accept delivery)
Druiwe sal onder .....grade Celsius gepars word/
Grapes will be harvested under ....... degrees Celsius